Kashmir University Released Admit Card for UG 1st,2nd & 3rd Semester
In this post we will provide you full information on the topic which is related to admit card for backlog students.Kashmir University : Students are waiting for the admit card finally the wait is over for all the students.Students can easily get the admit card at the below..
Site | Jksu.org.in |
Topic | Admit card |
How To get the admit card.
At the below students will get the admit card link choose your semester.There are three semesters present.Tap on your semester.Enter the details which they needed.Within few seconds admit card will be present.Students from the first semester (Backlog Batch 2016-2020) can now access their admit cards using the link below. Simply enter your registration number, and your admit card will appear on your screen.
Admit cards for the UG 3rd Semester (CBCS) Backlog Batch (2016-2020) are now available. You can find the direct link to download them below.
ALSO READ THIS: Kashmir University Datesheet Out For BG 4th Semester
The University of Kashmir has now also made available the Admit Cards for UG 3rd Semester (CBCS) Backlog Batch (2016-2020). Enter your registration number, and then your admit card will pop up on your screen.
Finally, the admit cards for the UG 4th Semester (CBCS) Backlog Batch (2016-2020) have been released. You can find the direct link to download them below.
Those students which want to dowload admit card for bg 6th Semester they can download from here.Hope so Students enjoy our information that i have shared with you..
6th Semester